Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What realignment means for California corrections

Gov. Jerry Brown's ambitious plan for balancing his state's budget includes moving parole services to county control and dismantling the DJJ

The current buzzword in California government fiscal circles is “Realignment.” This is what Governor Brown wants to do to many state services. Chief among these, at least for CorrectionsOne readers, is the idea of turning parole services over the county governments, along with a theoretically adequate funding level for these services. An important secondary consideration is the complete dismantling of DJJ (Division of Juvenile Justice) and turning it over to local control also.  Read more...

1 comment:

  1. ReentryConsultantOnline.Com
    The Governor appears very determined to make this happen even though he has not received cooperation from the Republicans. Nevertheless, it is doable. Many. many Parole Agents are former Probation Officers and are familiar with both systems. The only major difference that will result from this realignment will be the political structure. Funding is always a problem for the states and the counties therefore, span of supervision is huge and will result in excessive workloads. This has been a problem, nationwide, for both probation officers and parole agents. One point which seems to be missed is the fact that most of the Corrections budget is as a result of prison costs, not parole supervision and it appears that no one has the political will to address this.
