Thursday, October 10, 2013

Early jail release to be curtailed under government plans

People jailed for child rape or some terror offences will no longer be automatically released from jail halfway through their sentences, under government plans for England and Wales.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling says he also wants to curtail the early release of prisoners serving extended sentences for the most serious crimes.

About 600 prisoners a year are expected to be affected by the proposals.  Read more...

Prisoners detained for public protection win right to appear before Parole Board

Prisoners should have the right to appear in person before a Parole Board in cases where the fairness of their detention is in question, the Supreme Court has ruled.
The unanimous decision by Lord Neuberger, Lady Hale, Lord Kerr, Lord Clarke and Lord Reed, is likely to mean many prisoners who have served their sentence but are kept behind bars for reasons of “public protection” can appear in person to plead the case for their release.  Read more...